More about Cynthia
Founder of Wellsky Wholistic Health Consultancy since 2002, Cynthia has worked with all walks of life with her expertise on Team Building, Wholistic Wellness (Body, Mind and Spirits), State Management and Communication Awareness.
She is highly creative and proficient in articulating her trainings with various cultural and musical elements which make the whole learning process more delightful for participants.
Integrating energy healing like Feldenkrais and Access Bars into her work is one of the highlights in her specialty. Being visionary and an advocate, she has been promoting wholistic wellness in different industries for building Corporate Wellness Image.
Since 2006, as a member of the NLPRAI ( NLP Research Academy International ) , she has been hosting and presenting in many international meetings, conferences in Korea, Japan, the Netherlands, Shanghai and Hong Kong and is devoted to create positive influence on bringing harmony to the community through her profession which receives very warm acclaims and support from the users, business affiliates and stakeholders.
Cynthia has been invited as a member for the SME Customer Services Liaison Committee of the Trade and Industry Department from 2011 to 2016, she still keeps active generating support and advice to develop Wholistic Wellness in the SMEs in Hong Kong.
She has been awarded the Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service in 2017 for her contribution to the community work as a Wellness Specialist.
Wellness Specialist & Consultant
NLP Global Trainer and Consultant ( NLPU )
Licensed Hypnotherapist ( ACHE )
Committee Member of SME Customer Services Liaison Committee of Trade and Industry Department ( 2011-2016 )
Awardee of Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service in 2017
Awardee of Women of Wellness in 2021 presented by Liv Magazine
她亦善於將音樂、藝術及文學元素揉合於教學中。多年來以NLPRAI ( NLP Research Academy International ) 前往海外參與國際性會議及研討會。她亦善於運用Feldenkrais 及Access Bars等能量療癒,協助個人及團隊達至高效溝通、身心系統協作與整合、創建卓越狀態。
子淇於2011至2016年獲邀擔任工業貿易署中小企客戶服務聯絡小組的委員。憑藉著她善於聯繫與卓越的親和力,她的足跡遍佈大專院校、金融機構、社福醫護界、工商界及公私營機構,她以聯繫各行各業推動整全健康的重要為使命,更為企業提倡打造高能量形象與品牌 (Corporate Wellness Image )的概念,務求為整個社區帶來更大的和諧、喜悦、創意和生命力。多年來的工作深獲支持和肯定,並於2017年獲授勳及嘉許名單中,得到行政長官社區服務獎狀。