Music Coaching for Examinations and Performance
Cynthia starts playing the piano since 1980 and accomplished Grade 8 piano qualification of Royal Schools of Music in 1989. She has had taught piano for 5 years during her college time. With her coaching knowledge, she has developed the application on music performance. Since 2011, she has also been helping the Royal Schools of Music to work as an interpreter during the instrumental examinations and has witnessed over 1000 students playing during examinations.
Our State of Mind creates Reality.
Integrating the NLP State Management Skill with the her specialty in language competence, she is helping music performers and players to create, visualize optimal state management for best performances, from preparing them well psychologically to allowing them to experience the joy and enrichments of learning and playing music with ease and relaxation.
The Music Coaching session includes :
- The basic courtesy for attending a Music Examination.
- To prepare practical time frame for positive achievement of goals.
- How to use positive words and mind thoughts, with uplifting body
gesture to enhance confidence, with proper breathing.
- The technique on giving answers on Aural Test.
- Using the mock examination to help students preparing the states
for achieving better confidence and to create a relaxation state
during examinations.
All grades of musical instruments can be applied and we welcome
collaborations with music teachers, music studios and education
institutes to arrange auditions and workshops on related topics.
Coaching Fees:
Grade One to Grade Three : $580* (40mins Session)
Grade Four to Grade Six : $ 680* ( 50 mins Session )
Grade 7 to Grade 8 : $ 880* ( 60 mins Session )
Diploma Level : $980* ( 75 mins Session )
(*The rental payment for music studio is not included in this fee yet, rate will be varied at students' own cost, depending on the piano type and area they choose, if possible, we may also help students to do the mock examination in the centres that they are going to take their exams. )
We reserve all the rights for the final decision on all arrangements during the audition.
為預備音樂考試而設的啟導 :
子淇早於1980年開始學習鋼琴,1989年已取得皇家音樂學院八級鋼琴資歷,並有五年教琴經驗。 自2011年起,她為皇家音樂學院器樂考試擔任即時傳譯的工作,結合了過去二十多年來在音樂教學、翻譯、啟導及NLP 狀態管理的專業知識,舉辦音樂啟導工作坊,專注為考生作最佳試前準備,進一步讓他們提升音樂表現力,享受學習音樂帶來的樂趣和滋養。
– 考生應有的基本禮儀和風度。
– 為考試設定目標,輕鬆地擬定練習時間表。
– 如何運用正面語言及身體語言,配合呼吸練習增強自信。
– 聽唱測驗( Aural Test ) 的答題技巧。
– 透過模擬考試為考生設定自信、輕鬆、揮灑自如的卓越狀態。
一級至三級:每節$580* (40分鐘)
四級至六級:每節$680* (50分鐘)
七級至八級:每節$880* (60分鐘)
文憑級 : 每節$980* (75分鐘)