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Access Bars 能量提升帶我進入了寧靜放鬆的精神境界,而Feldenkrais脊骨療法易學又好玩,兩者配合更可謂給身心休息的夢幻組合。



Meeting Cynthia is one of my life’s biggest blessings. Since knowing her in an NLP class, she has offered a wide array of opportunities for me to explore myself, from formal lectures, group-sized workshops to social gatherings, and it is her one-on-one coaching that I enjoy the most and am eternally grateful for.


In addition to teaching a series of personal management skills, she always listens attentively and empathetically, letting her energy flows through in both verbal and non-verbal ways. At the end of each session, I often felt that I had received soothing healings and seeds of recovery had been planted.


What's more, Cynthia is a coach that keeps on learning and growing. She never ceases to share new ideas with and bring joys to people around her. She has changed my life for the better and is one that I can trust and count on.


Chiu Chun Fai

Translator for the Civil Service


나의 다정 다감한 가디언 엔젤 친구,신시아!

그녀는 땅 속에서 무한하게 솟구치는 치료효험있는 온천수같다고 느낀다.

그녀의 아우라에서 내면에 녹아있는 따뜻하고 예술적이고 진실한 성품을 보았기 때문이다.

더구나 10여년 이상동안 Cynthia를 만나면서 창의적인 트레이닝과 영향력있는 치유 코칭을 배웠고,

그녀에게서 트레이닝을 받았던 여러 한국 교수들은 몇 년 전의 그녀의 진실한 트레이닝에 감명받았다고

종종 말한다.

앞으로도 그녀는 계속해서 앞을 향해 나아갈 거라고 믿는다.

My passionate guardian angel sister, Cynthia!


I feel Cynthia is like the hotspring water with therapeutic effect, unlimitedly spouted from the underground.  Because I saw her warmhearted, artistic and sincere personality inside her from her aura. Futhermore,  while I meet Cynthia for over 10 years, I have learned her creative training and influential healing coaching.  Even  many Korean Professors who were taught by Cynthia in a Korean university, often tell me that they were impressed  by her honest training  a few years ago.  I trust she can go forward continueously in the future. ( Her Translation )

Professor Jinhee Park
Director of Business Coaching department in Kobuco Company
Global NLP trainer, Korean Partner of  jobEQ 

Cynthia is a wealth-of-knowledge trainer, I have been working with her since 2006.  She is a very engaging trainer and specialized in a wide range of topics in people communication, state management, wellbeing and health which appeals to everyone. Her presentations is enjoyable and inspiring.  I would not hesitate in recommending Cynthia be your guide to your life journey.  It is my honor to count her as my trainer buddy, and I would heartily endorse her to everyone seeking a presenter or consultant.


Lawrence Chu

Executive Director, Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

當年我們從內地來港定居,兒子獲國際學校取錄,但英語水平未達標準,要適應香港的新生活,起初也未能習慣,經親友介紹我們找Cynthia 幫他用啟導方式協助提升學習英語的信心,啟導課很快便起了作用,經過數節之後,兒子明顯變得比之前有信心,在讀寫聽講方面都有進步。


Cynthia 用故事、生活常識,加上目標設定,讓他看見自己的能力和如何放鬆心情,最令我意想不到的,是他後來自己主動到書店買英文課外書閱讀,現在他各個科目的成積也不錯,也很享受這裏的學習生活。



Cynthia hat die Gabe mit ihrer besonnen heiteren Art und mit Musik jede Gruppe auf ein neues Niveau von Wohlfühlen zu führen.

Cynthia has the gift to lead every group to a new and unknown level of wellbeing with her buoyant and joyful character and with music. (Her Translation )

       Eva-Maria from Germany

Global NLP Trainer ( NLPU )




多謝你 Cynthia,在我懷孕與準備分娩的時候,都一直關心和支持鼓勵我,回想起來,這個過程真的有很多部分是我預料不到的,也伴隨不少的淚水和壓力,多謝你教我做好狀態管理,並學習如何與父母修和關係,讓我可安心迎接當媽媽的角色。你說過將來可與我們一起為孩子創作一首屬於他的主題曲,我們仍期待着。


Shirley ( 行政人員 ) 


I know Cynthia since 2006 as a great colleague.  She has always been inspiring me with her stunning authenticity, humility and courage – a great human and professional who knows who she is, where she is going and who dares to explore new territories in business, strive for excellence and always serves her clients with mind and heart for a greater good.


                                                Peter Goryalov from Bulgaria 

                                                Founder and CEO DreamersDo Ltd.

                                                Executive Coach for Organizational Leadership

                                                ICF President’s Award Recipient - for leadership                                                  & contribution to the coaching profession


Cynthia 的手好像有一股熱力, ( 透過Feldenkrais 費登霍斯能量脊療 ) 過程就像把我變成了一張(古)琴。這三、四年老失眠,好少能一夜到天明。而我在她手下卻呼呼大睡。崩緊的精神和近乎崩潰的情緒,經過幾次微調之後,身心終於回復自癒的能力。



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